Gofyniad nefoedd faith ei hun A dalwyd gan Iehofa'n ddyn; Ac nid oedd ond trysorau'r nef Yn ddigon fyth i'w dalu ef. Trysorau na ddarfyddant byth Pe telid oesoedd rif y gwlith; Gwerth uwch pob gwerth a glywyd sôn Oedd gwaed y croeshoeliedig Oen. Rhyfeddod o anfeidrol ryw I'm Iesu farw ac yntau'n Dduw! Mae'n bleser gan angylion nef Fyfyrio ar ei angeu Ef. 'Does golwg harddach ddydd na nos Na'm Iesu'n hongian ar y groes; Y dwylaw hoeliwyd ar y pren Ar fyr a egyr ddrws y nen. Iawn mwy o bwys na buasai 'nghyd Aneirif anwireddau'r byd; A dim ond gwaed fy Iesu mawr A droisai'r glorian hyd y llawr. Ni cheisiaf loches ond dy glwy, Tan donau mawrion fwy na mwy; Mae'th waed, yn nyfnder culni a gwae, Yn abl fy rhoi i lawenhau. Anturia 'nghalon euog ddu, At orsedd gras yn awr yn hy, Mae'r faingc yn rhydd, a'r rhodd yn rhad, Os gelli gredu yn ei waed.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MH 8888]: gwelir: Bendigaid fyth fo enw Duw Cyfyngder mwya'n Prynwr rhad Gwel draw fy Mrenin ar y pren Mae rhyw ddirgelwch llawer mwy O Arglwydd cofia'th angeu drud |
The demand of vast heaven itself Was paid by Jehovah as man; And there was no treasure of heaven Sufficient ever to pay it. Treasures that shall never disappear If paid for ages numbered as the dew; Worth higher than every worth heard of Was the blood of the crucified Lamb. Wonder of infinite force For my Jesus to die an he God! It is the pleasure of the angels of heaven To meditate on His death. There is no more beautiful sight, day or night, Than my Jesus hanging on the cross; The two hands nailed on the tree Which shortly shall open the door of the sky. A satisfaction of more weight than could be all The innumerable untruths of the world; And only the blood of my great Jesus Would turn the scales down to the ground. I seek no refuge but thy wound, Under the great waves greater and greater; Thy blood is, in the depth of straits and woe, Able to give me joy. I will venture my guilty, black heart, To the throne of grace now boldly, The throne is accessible, and the gift free, If thou canst believe in his blood.tr. 2014,20 Richard B Gillion |